Landscape restoration
– Village level
The major objective of this work package is to restore selected locations in the Program Areas including forests and woodlands, as well as grazing lands and abandoned fields that have low productivity.
In areas exposed to human disturbance, natural recovery is very slow or completely absent because of soil degradation and recurring disturbances.
Through the provision of seeds, seedlings, training and other selected incentives, the Program will seek to motivate participation and immediate benefits for the local stakeholders. Farmers affected will be involved by the restoration activities. To advice and support these farmers they will be given training in agriculture intensification as e.g. use of fertilizer, climate smart agriculture, diversification such as fruit tree orchards and cash crops including indigenous and exotic vegetables.
Restoration practices leading to increased food security and income generation for both the present and future generations and the incentives offered to communities and individuals must reflect these expected results. It is therefore important that the restoration practices include agriculture and horticulture in addition to forestry.
The main outputs in phase II:
- Seedlings planted by local farmers.
- Woodlots for firewood established.
- New Green Villages are established.
- New economic activities (NEA) are established and local value chains strengthened in Green Villages.
- New demo-sites for climate smart agriculture, forestry and renewable-energy, developed in Green Villages.
- Farmers Training Centre’s are strengthened in new Green Villages.